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Why the 4-Step Sharpening System?
The 4-Step System was developed to give you the best possible edge while preserving your knives.
The BLUE tool
restores the proper taper or angle on each side of your blade.
The ORANGE tool
sharpens and hones your blade.
The YELLOW tool
polishes and maintains your edge.
The YELLOW tool
also can be used whenever you hit something hard with your knife (bone, cutting board) to straighten
out the "rolled over" edge.
4-Step Sharpening System Directions
Each step is dependent upon the previous step in order to put the best possible edge on your knife.
Please read through all of these instructions prior to beginning the sharpening process.
Step #1
The tool with the BLUE handle prepares and restores the taper or angle on each side of your blade.
A uniform taper is necessary for the sharpest edge. To reset your taper draw your knife through
the steel rods using moderate pressure and holding the blade at a 45 degree angle. When the blade
slides through the tool with little drag, your taper has been restored. You are now ready for the next step.
NOTE: Do not use the BLUE tool on serrated blades.
Step #2
The tool with the ORANGE handle features two sets of steel rods.
The rods on the right side have long grooves. These are used to put the edge on the taper. As in Step #1,
draw the blade through the tool at a 45 degree angle using moderate pressure and lightening the pressure
as the blade sharpens. DO NOT ATTACK THE TOOL. When you feel no drag you have successfully restored the
edge to your blade. The next step uses the same tool.
Step #3
Now move to the rods on the left side of the tool, the pebbled surface rods. Lightly draw your blade
through these rods at a 45 degree angle to hone and debur the edge. Just a few strokes will complete
this step.
Step #4
The tool with the YELLOW handle features smooth steel rods.
These rods give your blade a uniform angle and also remove a "rolled edge." This tool also polishes
and maintains your edge. Lightly draw your blade through these rods at a 45 degree angle to polish
the edge. This tool can be used any time you hit something hard with your knife edge (bone, cutting
board) and roll the edge over. The smooth steels will straighten out the rolled edge much like an
iron will straighten out any wrinkles in your clothes.
Note: For serrated blades, pull the knife through the steels at a 90 degree angle.
Use slow strokes with lighter pressure to ensure that the knife does not bounce
across the serrated teeth.